Resultados: 3

Avaliação da gestão dos resíduos em unidades básicas de saúde de um município sul-brasileiro

Objective: This study has aimed to analyze the waste management from health care services and the nursing professionals’ background about the current legislation. Methods: It is a descriptive-exploratory research with a quantitative approach, which has been developed in three Basic Health Units from Pe...

Exposição corporal do paciente no olhar do acadêmico de enfermagem

Objective: Recognizing the experience of nursing academics in relation to the patient’s body exposure during nursing care conduction in hospital environment. Method: A qualitative descriptive study, performed with nursing academics of a public institution in southern Brazil, between August and September...

Grupos de educação em saúde: aproximação da população masculina à unidade básica de saúde

Objective: to identify the access of male population in health services, its participation in groups of education in health in the Primary Health Care Center (PHC) from a city in the southern of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), and recognize its reasons that made them look for a health group, which they participa...